Ball, box, water bottle, pencil, scrunched up foil, empty cereal box.
This game will help to develop a sense of where the body is in a space without looking at it (known as proprioception).
The following questions can help riders develop the knowledge, understanding and skills of cycling. Great for use in the home or at school!
Thinking Me
What can you do to keep the objects on the tray?
Social Me
How could you play this game with others?
Healthy Me
Why is it important to be active every day?
Physical Me
How else could you travel when playing this?
Creative Me
How could you create obstacles or routes to travel over and around?
Think about when you walk and control something else at the same time.
- Mark out lots of different routes for players to move along.
- Create a number of slaloms with players following each other a safe distance apart.
Create a challenge:
Which team demonstrates good communication and teamwork?
...walk, balance and look
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