Home < Activities < Skills 2 Ride: Pedals

Knowing when a child is ready to try a pedal bike

Ask these questions

  • Are they taking great big long strides while scooting on a balance bike, putting their feet up and gliding easily?
  • Are they turning and cornering easily, at speed and with confidence on their balance bike?
  • Can you access a pedal bike small enough to let them have a go?
  • Remember, no stabilisers – they will undo all the great balance work.
  • Do they want to try?

Don't rush the pedal stage. It can take time to learn to pedal, become stable and be confident. Even once they are pedalling it is still great fun to go back to the balance bike again. If they are not quite ready, have a go at some of the Skills 2 Ride – Balance games and challenges.

Getting set up and ready to go